ù Cookie Information – Civale Associati

Cookie Information


Cookies consist in computer records of information sent by a web server to your computer/device for future identification of that computer/device whenever the user visits the same website a second time. Cookies facilitate the analysis of web traffic and allow web applications to send information to individual users. Referring exclusively to users of the website which are not registered:

a) No user data is acquired from the site;
b) No cookie is used to transmit personal information, nor are used c.d. cookies of any kind, or systems for tracking users.

The c.d. session cookies used in this site avoid the use of other technologies that could compromise the privacy of users and wouldn’t allow the acquisition of personal identification data. At any time the user can delete cookies from his/her system, in different ways depending on the browser used.


There are three distinct categories of cookies:
– Technical Cookie. These cookies are indispensable for the correct functioning of the site and are used to manage the functions reserved to the site. The deactivation may prevent proper operation of the site.
– Analytic Cookie. These Cookies are used to collect and analyse traffic data and modalities to browse the website anonymously. These cookies do not identify you, but allow you to gather information about what the user do over time (such as how many times a user returns to the site in a given period). All these data are only for statistical purpose and, for our part, in order to improve the site’s usability and performance. The deactivation of these cookies can be executed without any loss in functionality.
– Profiling Cookie: these cookies are used to identify (anonymously or not) user preferences and in some cases convey targeted advertising aligned with his/her interests. THIS SITE DOES NOT USE ANY PROFILING COOKIES.